Letting go….

When people find out we live full-time in less that 200 square feet they always have questions about the process of downsizing. Funny thing is downsizing is a fabulous and freeing process. Yes, at times, it was hard, but on a whole it was a joyous experience. Stuff comes and goes. I am naturally a... Continue Reading →

Lost and Found

Have I lost myself or discovered the true me, the me that I never accepted. Ironically my biggest fear throughout my life has been to appear weak. I say ironically because after all isn't being fearful a sign of weakness. So there is this thing called menopause! Yes that simple statement deserves an explanation mark.... Continue Reading →


I believe we all struggle with what friendship means to us. Early in life we aren't sure how to be a good friend or how to insist on being treated properly by our friends. Human relationships are complicated. Hopefully as we progress through life it gets easier. I grew up as an only child of... Continue Reading →

Lil Haus

Lil Haus was our 1972 Ponderosa single wide trailer. She was neglected and abused before we got her. After a little money and a lot of work she became our transitional home and our first step toward living full time in our first vintage Airstream.

Baby Steps – Giant Leaps

Fall 2016 we started the adventure of living an alternative nomadic lifestyle. The previous summer we had sold our brick and mortar home and moved into a single wide trailer in a trailer park in Boise, Idaho. We had wanted to rent while we downsized our belongings and found our trailer and tow vehicle. Unfortunately... Continue Reading →

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